The Fourth Lecture of the Training for Graduate Supervisors in 2023 Was Organized

author:闫倩倩     Release time:2023-06-29     viewed:30 
       In order to improve the quality of graduate education and implement the fundamental task of enhancing morality and cultivating talents, on June 10th, Graduate Studies Office organized the fourth lecture of the series of training activities for graduate supervisor in 2023.
       Wu Xianbo, from Shandong Technology and Business University, was invited to give a training report entitled “Upgrading Ideological and Political Cognition of Curriculum and Innovation in Teaching Design”. He explained in detail the connotation and significance of ideological and political education in courses from three dimensions, that is, returning to the original intention, empowering courses and designing innovation, guiding the excavation and extraction of ideological and political elements in specialized courses and imparting teaching design principles and methods. He elaborated on the value of ideological and political education in the curriculum through classic cases, in simple and humorous terms, and explained the importance of ideological and political education. The atmosphere of the entire report was lively and interactive, deepening the realm and emotions of curriculum ideological and political construction and guiding teachers to achieve a dual transformation of ideas and actions.

       Graduate supervisors and graduate course teachers listened to the report. Graduate Studies Office will continue to carry out specialized training on “mental health education” and other topics in the future

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