The Institute of Aeronautical Engineering and Technology (IAET) of Binzhou University, an institution directly affiliated to the university, was established on June 20, 2016 to bring together qualified individuals to carry out high-level researches in the field of aviation and to promote the aviation specialty of the university.
The Institute's main functions are as follows: 1) To serve the strategic aims of the country and province through aviation research and development, 2) To perform the state of art academic research and to strengthen collaborative innovation, 3) To explore new modes of cooperation between university and enterprise to carry out aviation engineering and technology R&D, 4) To promote academic exchange and cooperation in aviation engineering and technology, and 5) To build a strong platform for basic research, applied research, technology development, academic exchange, industry and university research cooperation in the field of aeronautical engineering.
The Institute aims to be a high-level research platform built by the university to pursue cutting edge aeronautical research. To this end, the university has hired a team of experts in the aerospace field to direct outstanding PhDs and Masters from famous domestic aviation universities to carry out innovative research.
Since its establishment, the Institute has focused on flow drag reduction, aircraft structure and aerodynamic design, flow visualization and measurement, aerodynamic simulation etc. It has invested over 3 million Yuan RMB to purchase cutting edge research instruments such as a particle imaging velocimetry system, high-speed photography and advanced plasma spectral analysis experimental device, optical fiber measurement platform. A further investment of tens of millions Yuan RMB planned to build research infrastructure, such as subsonic and supersonic wind tunnels along with related supporting research systems.
The Institute implements a strategy of innovation driven development, aiming at enhancing scientific researches and innovation capability. It focuses on improving scientific and technological contributions and strengthening the formation of strong scientific research teams that fully employs individual talents. The Institute will form scientific and technological research teams with interdisciplinary and inter unit collaborations to carry out groundbreaking research using a combination of full time and part time researchers.
Binzhou University and IAET will strengthen cooperation with universities and institutions throughout the world. By hiring and inviting both domestic and foreign experts and scholars, the Institute will bring together outstanding researchers collaboration. The university and the institute will actively promote cooperative relations and intellectual exchange with domestic and foreign universities through mutual visits, joint research, and other forms of academic exchange.
In order to adapt to the development needs of the Instituteand the overall needs of Binzhou University in teaching and research, the Institute will hire exemplary PhDs, Masters, and professionals in a broad variety of scientific fields. These fields include aerospace science and technology, mechanics,instrument science and technology, power engineering and thermal physics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, electronic science and technology, information and communication engineering, control science and engineering, computer science and technology, transportation engineering, marine engineering, weapons science and technology, and materials science and engineering. These individuals will work together to develop the Institute into a provincial level research center in aviation engineering and technology. (Contact Email: