Professor Zhou Zhixiong, a Doctoral Tutor in School of Liberal Arts, Shandong Normal University, Presents a Report

author:蒋志伟     Release time:2017-06-11     viewed:99 

On May 8, Professor Zhou Zhixiong, a doctoral tutor in School of Liberal Arts, Shandong Normal University, was invited to our university and presented an academic report titled as “Present Situation, Value of and Research on Network Novels” in Room 106, Building4.

In the report, Zhou Zhixiong analyzed the present situation of the development of network novels and the creation situation of writers, with a deep interpretation of the reasons for the booming of network novels, and a multi-perspective multi-level explanation of the existence value of network novels, which corrects readers’ misunderstanding, and is of guiding significance in methodology for studies on network novels.

Related staff in scientific research office and some teachers and students of the School of Humanities listened to the report.

                                                      (Feeds by School of Humanities)




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