Li Jifeng

author:闫倩倩     Release time:2024-03-12     viewed:94 


Li Jifeng, member of the Party Committee, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, Inspector of Shandong Provincial Supervision Commission in Shandong University of Aronautics 

Li Jifeng, male, Han nationality, a member of the CPC, received his postgraduate degree, master of arts degree. He held positions as the deputy head of the discipline inspection team at Shandong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection in the Provincial Civil Affairs Committee, Director of the Office of the Inspector at the Provincial Supervision Department in the Provincial Civil Affairs Committee, deputy head of the discipline inspection team at the Provincial Discipline Inspection Committee in the Provincial Health and Health Committee, and deputy head of the discipline inspection team at the Provincial Discipline Inspection Committee in the Provincial Health and Health Committee. In April 2021, he served as a member of the Party Committee and secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee of Binzhou University, and the inspector of Shandong Provincial Supervision Commission in Binzhou University.

He presides over the work of the Discipline Inspection committee and the Office of the Ombudsman of the university, and is responsible for the supervision of the university, maintains the contacts with the Airport College and the School of Science.

Address:Huanghe Road, Binzhou City, Shandong, 256600,P.R.China
Tel:86-543-3194976(International Exchange & Cooperation Office)