The Delegation Led by Zhang Yingjie from Aerospace Information University (Preparatory) Visited SDUA for Inspection and Exchange

author:闫倩倩     Release time:2024-04-22     viewed:11 

On April 18th, a delegation of 7 members from Aerospace Information University (preparatory) visited Shandong University of Aeronautics for exchange and inspection.The delegation was led by Zhang Yingjie, the deputy secretary of the Interim Party Committee and deputy director of the Connotation Construction Work Team, and Li Bowei, a member of the Interim Party Committee and deputy director of the Connotation Construction Work Team. They were warmly received in the Lixue Lecture Hall by Li Changhai, SDUA’ssecretary of Party Committee, Guo Xinwei, a member of the Party Committee and Vice President, and Wang Tongyin, a member of the Party Committee and the Minister of Organization Department.

Li Changhai warmly welcomed Zhang Yingjie and his delegation. He introduced the university’s development history, educational characteristics, school scale, achievements, development orientation, and goals. He emphasized the experiences and practices in the construction of the university as an applied science institution, aviation education, and the development of disciplines and specialties. Li expressed that both universities have similar disciplinary systems and educational positioning, with broad prospects for cooperation in the aviation field. He hopes that both sides will focus on their respective development areas, leverage their own platforms and resource advantages, closely exchange and cooperate, and jointly promote the high-quality development of education and aviation in Shandong Province.

Zhang Yingjie highly commended SDUA’s recent academic  accomplishments, congratulated on the renaming of the school, and expressed gratitude for the assistance provided by our dispatched cadres to Aerospace Information University. He briefly introduced the development framework and ongoing work of the Air and Space Information University (preparatory), and hoped that this visit would serve as an opportunity to open a new chapter of cooperation between the two universities and two universities would seek common ground for cooperation, joining hands to create a new situation in the development of aviation in Shandong.

Zhang Yingjie and his delegation also visited and inspected Flying College and the Yellow River Delta Ecological Environment Research Institute. The heads from the Office, Development Planning Department, and Research Department participated in the discussions and exchanges.

Address:Huanghe Road, Binzhou City, Shandong, 256600,P.R.China
Tel:86-543-3194976(International Exchange & Cooperation Office)